
About me and the purpose of WFHbee

Hi there and welcome to WFHbee!

I’m Robin Borg this site I’ll share tips and useful advice about how to stay afloat while Working From Home (WFH).

I’ll share everything I have learned through the years having worked from home, or remotely, throughout my whole adult life.

I live in London and have a background in research and data science. These are typical working-from-home professions. In fact, most office jobs in London nowadays offer the option of at least 1-2 days working form home.

As mentioned, I have a background in research, and being in academia basically means you’re completely on your own: It doesn’t matter whatsoever if you’re at home or in the office, but what does matter immensely is what you produce: It’s “publish or perish” and if you don’t publish enough, high quality articles, you’re out. I quickly learned during my career in academia that if you don’t have good working-from-home routines, you won’t survive.

Perhaps my WFH-routines were not up to part, because after a few years as a university researcher, I simply got too sick of the loneliness and pressure to always perform, paired with the modest pay. So I decided to get a “normal” job instead. I’m now working in data science, which is much more pleasant! You actually have work mates, and all the employments I’ve had have offered at least 1-2 days a week working-from-home. And that’s the perfect balance for me.

However, I quickly learned that even working only a day or two a week from home requires you to have some routines, a dedicated work space, apply some productivity tricks, set strict boundaries and dedicate time to out-of-work socials, for a seamless experience that actually keeps you happy!

So, as mentioned, I hope to share the tips and tricks I’ve learned along my WFH-journey in this blog.

Also, having a background in research, I’m used to investigating and summarizing large chunks of information, so I will be able to share a lot of information about things I’ve read about Working From Home too that can be to your benefit. My research background also means that the information I share will probably be better researched, critically assessed and objective than your typical blog.

Anyway, I hope you will enjoy this blog and that it will help you in your own Working-From-Home journey!

All the best,


Ps. You can always contact me at robinborgrobin@gmail.com.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WFHbee

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robin-borg-46441627a/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@WFHbee

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