Flexible Work Hours Request Letter Generator (personalized) Leave a Comment / By Robin Borg / Flexible Working Request Generator Manager's Name: Company Name: Reason for Flexible Working Request: Proposed Flexible Work Hours: Morning Flex (Start Time) (leave blank if none): Afternoon Flex (End Time) (leave blank if none): Your Name: Your Job Title: Contact Information: Generate RequestGenerated Letter: How to Use the Flexible Working Request GeneratorThis Flexible Working Request Generator assist you in crafting a well-structured and compelling request for flexible work hours. The generated request letter is personalized to your needs, and the tool is free of use (no sign-up required).Instructions: To generate the request letter for flexible work hours, follow these simple steps:Manager’s Name: Enter the name of your direct manager or supervisor who will be reviewing your request.Company Name: Provide the name of your company or organization.Reason for Flexible Working Request: Clearly state the reason(s) for your request. This may include a long commute, personal responsibilities, or other relevant factors.Proposed Flexible Work Hours: Define your desired flexible work hours. You have the flexibility to request specific time slots for the morning and/or afternoon:Morning Flex (Start Time): Specify the time you would like to start your workday flexibly. (If you don’t require morning flex, you can leave this field blank.)Afternoon Flex (End Time): Specify the time you would like to end your workday flexibly. (If you don’t require afternoon flex, you can leave this field blank.)Your Name: Enter your full name.Your Job Title: Indicate your job title or position within the company.Contact Information: Provide your preferred contact details (email, phone number, address).Generate Request: Click the “Generate Request” button to generate a formal letter that outlines your flexible working proposal.See also Work From Home Request Generator: Personalized Letter OutputGenerated Letter: The generated letter will include your provided information, such as the manager’s name, company name, reason for the request, and the proposed flexible work hours. The letter template is designed to be professional and persuasive, showcasing the benefits of a flexible work arrangement to both you and the company.By using this generator, you can confidently approach your employer with a well-crafted request for flexible work hours, highlighting the positive impact it can have on your productivity, job satisfaction, and work-life balance.Embrace the power of flexibility in the workplace with the Flexible Working Request Generator tool, and take a step towards achieving a healthier and more productive work environment!Note: Remember to review the generated letter before submitting it to ensure accuracy and professionalism.About the AuthorAuthor: Robin BorgAbout: I'm Robin Borg and I have been working from home at least one day a week during all of my adult life. I have a background in research and data science. Get to know me better in the About page.Related Posts:Remote Work Request Letter Tool: From Temporary to PermanentRemote Work Request Generator: personalized request letterRemote Job Application Cover Letter Generator (personalized)Healthy Snack Recipe Generator: for your Work From Home daysWorking From Home Challenge Generator: elevate remote work!Motivational Quote Generator for Remote Work & Virtual… Post navigation← Previous PostNext Post →Leave a Comment Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Type here..Name*E-mail*Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Scroll to Top