What Is A Good Lunch Break Routine Working From Home?

Working from home can be both a blessing and a curse. It’s great to have the freedom of working in your own space, but it also means that finding time for lunch breaks can be difficult. With no colleagues around to remind you, how do you ensure that you take regular breaks? What is the best way to make sure your work-life balance is maintained when there are so many distractions at home? This article will explore what constitutes a good lunch break routine when working from home, helping you maximize productivity whilst still taking care of yourself.

The idea of having an efficient lunch break routine may sound daunting, but with some planning you’ll soon find one that works for you. Taking regular breaks away from your desk helps clear your mind and reenergize your body – something which becomes increasingly important when you’re faced with hours alone in front of your laptop. So, whether you want to get moving during your break or just take time out to relax; here’s everything you need to know about creating the perfect lunchtime oasis right in your own living room!

By establishing a set routine for each day, not only will you improve concentration levels throughout the day but it’ll also help provide structure within this new world of remote working. If done correctly, a good lunch break routine could become an essential part of staying healthy and productive – even if all four walls are the same ones surrounding us every day!

But before we start, you may also be interested in these articles about the prefect WFH morning routine, and about how to arrange your remote work evening routine.


According to a recent survey, nearly two-thirds of people working from home have no daily lunch break routine. This lack of structure can lead to burnout and an inability to focus on the task at hand. To counteract this, it’s important to understand the definition, meaning, purpose and goals behind taking a lunch break.

A lunch break is simply a set amount of time during work hours dedicated solely for eating lunch or other activities that are unrelated to work. The purpose of having this block of time is both practical and psychological – providing sustenance as well as much needed down time away from tasks. It gives employees the opportunity to step back from their desks and take care of themselves by doing something enjoyable like reading, meditating, listening to music or going outside for some fresh air.

The goal of taking a lunch break should be focused on self-care while allowing yourself permission to relax and restore energy levels which will in turn increase productivity when returning back to work afterwards. Taking regular breaks throughout the day helps prevent feelings of exhaustion and enables us to stay productive over longer periods of time with greater clarity and focus on our projects. With such benefits in mind, let’s move on now and look at how one might create an effective lunch break routine while working from home.

Benefits Of Taking A Lunch Break

Taking a lunch break when working from home has numerous benefits. Not only can it increase productivity and help you focus, but taking time off to refuel can also be incredibly beneficial for your mental and physical health. Here are some of the key benefits of taking a midday break:

First, having a separate lunch break allows us to refocus our attention after hours of work. A few minutes away from the desk can give our minds a much-needed rest before we dive back in again. It also helps to keep us motivated throughout the day as well as enabling us to tackle tasks more efficiently and effectively. Additionally, scheduling a dedicated break into our daily routine helps establish healthier boundaries between work and leisure time; this is important for maintaining good mental health and avoiding burnout.

Second, making sure that we eat something healthy during the day provides essential nutrition which keeps our bodies energized for the remainder of the afternoon. Eating a nutritious meal mid-day will not only provide sustained energy but may even prevent overeating later on in the evening due to excessive hunger or cravings. Eating regular meals throughout the day also ensures that we’re getting enough vitamins and minerals while keeping blood sugar levels balanced – all of which are essential for optimal wellbeing.

Finally, stepping away from work gives us an opportunity to relax and de-stress during what can often feel like long days indoors. Taking just 10 minutes out of your day to do something enjoyable such as reading a book or going outside (if possible) can help reduce stress levels both physically and mentally, leaving you feeling refreshed and ready to take on whatever comes next!

By setting aside time to enjoy a proper lunch break every now and then, you’ll be able to reap many rewards including improved productivity, better concentration, increased energy levels, improved moods plus much more!

Setting Boundaries When Working From Home

When working from home, it is important to set boundaries in order to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Remote employees can easily fall into the trap of thinking that they must be available 24/7 and never take breaks or have days off. However, this isn’t sustainable nor realistic for any person who is trying to achieve success in their career while also having time to enjoy life outside of work. Here are 4 key points to consider when creating boundaries when working from home:

  1. Establish Clear Working Hours: Set clear hours for yourself that you will stick with as much as possible so you don’t become overwhelmed by always being “on call”.
  2. Take Breaks During the Day: Schedule regular breaks throughout your day including lunchtime away from your desk and workspace, allowing yourself some physical distance between work and leisure activities.
  3. Prioritize Your Tasks: Make sure every task on your list has an end goal – prioritize which tasks need completing first based on importance and urgency rather than just doing everything at once. This way you won’t feel overwhelmed or burn out quickly.
    4 .Set Scheduled Time For Leisure Activities: Dedicate specific times during the week for non-work related activities like exercising, socializing with friends, etc., so that you have something to look forward to each day outside of work hours.
    Creating these boundaries will help remote employees stay organized and productive while still having time for themselves and enjoying other aspects of life beyond their job duties. It’s all about striking the perfect balance between structure and freedom; following a few simple guidelines can make it easier to find that sweet spot where productivity meets satisfaction!
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Tips For Structuring Your Day

When working from home, it’s important to have a structure and plan for the day. Managing your WFH time properly is vital in order to stay productive while getting a good balance of work-time and break time. Creating a daily routine will help you meet deadlines without feeling overwhelmed or overworked.

First, set yourself up for success by planning out your day the night before—this way when you wake up, you know exactly what needs to be done throughout the day. You can also designate specific times for tasks that may require more focus or attention so that each task gets enough energy devoted to it. When setting goals for yourself, make sure they are achievable and don’t forget to reward yourself with breaks after completing them!

Next, build in flexibility into your schedule but try not to get distracted too easily. If something unexpected comes up during the course of the day, adjust accordingly and remember there’s always tomorrow if necessary. As long as you keep yourself accountable and organized with lists and schedules then you should be able to manage any unanticipated problems relatively quickly.

Your lunch break is an important part of structuring your workday at home; it gives you time away from screens and allows you to relax mentally and physically before returning back to work energized afterwards. Going forward into the subsequent section about ‘disconnecting from work during lunch breaks’…

Disconnecting From Work During Lunch Breaks

How do you find the time to disconnect from work during your lunch break when working from home? It’s hard enough staying focused throughout the day, let alone carving out a few minutes for yourself in between. But with some creativity and discipline, it is possible to create a routine that allows us to take a much-needed pause while also keeping our productivity levels up.

First things first: designate your lunchtime as such. If possible, set an alarm just like when you would be commuting into an office setting. Have a special “lunchbox” ready each morning – whether this is literally a physical lunchbox or simply mentally preparing yourself for what activities you want to enjoy during your breaks—that way, there’s no excuse not to step away from work! Even if it is only 10–15 minutes, use that time wisely to really get away from any distractions and relax. This could mean taking a walk around the block, reading your favorite book or magazine (not related to work!), listening to music or even catching up on emails with friends and family members who live far away.

Finally, try not to think of these moments as wasted time; instead consider them essential energy boosters that can help keep morale high throughout the day. By making sure we are nurturing ourselves during these times – both physically and mentally – we will ultimately have more success in achieving our goals for the remainder of the day. With better focus comes greater clarity and efficiency which leads us one step closer towards finding balance — even at home!

Staying Active During Breaks

Now that you have disconnected from work during your lunch break, it is time to stay active. Working from home often means spending extended periods of time sitting in front of a computer screen or lounging on the couch. Taking some time away from screens and engaging in physical activity can help improve productivity and mood when returning to work. Incorporating an exercise routine into lunchtime will energize your body and mind for the rest of the day.

There are many ways to incorporate active breaks into your daily schedule without having to leave the comfort of your home. A simple lunchtime workout could include light jogging or stretching exercises around your living space or yard. If this is not possible due to limited space or other restrictions, there are plenty of online videos offering no-equipment workouts that can be completed within 15 minutes. Additionally, taking regular walks throughout the day is another easy way to move more while enjoying fresh air outside.

The most important thing when staying active during breaks is finding something that works best for you as an individual and fits within your lifestyle. Make sure to plan ahead by scheduling exercise times into your calendar like any other appointment so that activities become part of your routine rather than feeling like additional tasks at the end of a long day. With these tips in mind, you’ll soon find yourself looking forward to breakes with renewed energy!

Eating Mindfully

It is almost impossible to overestimate the importance of eating mindfully at lunchtime while working from home. Eating with awareness and intention can be a powerful tool in achieving optimal health, happiness, and productivity during your workday.

Mindful meals can involve engaging all five senses when you eat – savoring flavors, noticing textures, observing colors and shapes on your plate, smelling aromas, or even listening to the sound of crunching. This practice helps us become aware of each bite we take so that our bodies receive nourishment instead of becoming numb to it as we scarf down our food without really tasting it. Intuitive eating is also key for mindful meal planning; knowing what foods will best fuel us throughout the day can help us make more informed decisions about what goes into our lunches.

To ensure you’re getting enough nutrients from each meal and cultivating your energy levels until dinner time rolls around again, focus on including lean proteins such as eggs, poultry or fish along with healthy fats like avocados or nuts. Try adding fresh fruits and vegetables for some added flavor variety and color! Preparing these healthy lunches in advance ensures that when it comes time for your break you are able to sit back, relax and enjoy them guilt-free – leaving you energized and ready to tackle the rest of your workday.

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Preparing Healthy Lunches

Making the effort to eat a healthy lunch while working from home can be one of the most beneficial aspects of your day. Here are some simple tips for preparing nutritious meals, creating lunch menus and making healthy lunches:

  1. Plan ahead by prepping ingredients on days you don’t work so that when it’s time for lunch, you have all the components ready to go.
  2. Incorporate whole grains, proteins and vegetables into each meal and make sure to include healthy fats as well.
  3. Look online or in cookbooks for inspiring recipes with fresh ingredients that will give variety to your weekly menu.
  4. Get creative with leftovers – repurpose them into something new or add different flavors or textures depending on what you have available.

By planning ahead, you’ll save yourself time throughout the week and ensure that each meal is nourishing, satisfying and delicious. And if you’re looking for more ideas on how to incorporate healthy foods into your diet, there are plenty of resources out there such as blogs and Instagram accounts devoted specifically to helping create balanced meals every day! After taking care of your physical needs at lunchtime, use this break as an opportunity to take a walk outside or enjoy some other activity outdoors – both mind and body will thank you!

Taking A Walk Or Going Outdoors

Taking a break to get some fresh air and exercise outdoors is an essential part of any working from home routine. Going for a walk or spending time in nature can help you unwind, clear your mind, and relax during lunchtime. Not only that, but it also gives you the opportunity to stretch your body after sitting at your desk all morning.

If possible, try walking outside every day if you can’t make it to the gym or don’t have access to outdoor recreation nearby. Even just 15 minutes of taking a leisurely stroll around your neighborhood can do wonders for both your physical and mental health. You could even turn this into a social activity by asking friends or family members who live close by to join you on these outings – it’s never too late to start building healthy habits!

Making sure you take regular breaks throughout the day will keep you energized and productive throughout your workday. However, having said that, it’s important to be mindful of not letting yourself overcommit; sometimes we need more rest than others so listen to what your body needs and adjust as necessary.

Keeping A Schedule And Being Flexible

Staying flexible is key when it comes to creating a lunch break routine while working from home. It’s important to have an established schedule, but also be willing to adjust as needed in order to accommodate changes. Having some flexibility with your break scheduling can help you achieve a better work-life balance and make the most of your lunch hour.

Creating structure around your day will help ensure that you’re taking regular breaks throughout the day. Establishing parameters for yourself like setting aside specific times for meals or dedicating certain hours for work tasks can provide structure without feeling too rigid. Try to fit in some leisure activities during the lunchtime period as well such as reading, listening to music, stretching or meditating – whatever works best for you!

It’s also important not to forget about connecting with colleagues during this time, even if you are unable to physically meet up with them. Scheduling virtual coffee dates or group lunches over video chat can be a great way to stay connected with coworkers while still maintaining social distancing guidelines. Making time to connect with colleagues can create more meaningful conversations than just sharing emails back and forth all day long! Taking advantage of these tools ensures that everyone remains engaged and motivated no matter where they are located. Transitioning into the next section, making time to connect with colleagues lays down essential groundwork for staying productive and present in today’s digital workplace.

Making Time To Connect With Colleagues

It’s no secret that working from home can be isolating. Without the physical presence of coworkers, it’s difficult to cultivate meaningful relationships and team bonding activities are few and far between. The truth is, connecting with colleagues during lunch breaks might just be the remedy for loneliness when you’re remote.

Here are a few tips on how to make time for socializing with your teammates:

  • Schedule regular virtual meetings – Whether it’s over video chat or phone call, taking a break from work to catch up with peers helps keep lines of communication open and strengthens coworker relationships.
  • Make use of instant messaging systems – Team chats like Slack allow you to quickly reach out to colleagues without having to schedule an entire meeting. It also creates an environment where conversations can flow more casually than in scheduled calls.
  • Share funny videos/memes
  • Ask questions about non-work related topics (i.e., favorite TV show)

Organize group activities outside of work hours – Working together doesn’t have to mean talking shop all day long! Consider scheduling weekly happy hours or weekend hikes as ways to get everyone involved and create lasting memories with one another. Making time for yourself while balancing your workload is essential too, so prioritize self care during breaks whenever possible.

Prioritizing Self Care During Breaks

When working from home, it’s important to prioritize self-care during your lunch break. This could be something as simple as taking a few minutes to eat in peace and quiet without any home/work distractions or doing some light stretching before getting back to work. Taking time out of your day for personal activities can help reduce stress levels and give you the energy you need to remain productive throughout the afternoon.

During your lunch break, consider engaging in activities that bring joy like listening to music, reading, or going for a short walk around the block. These types of activities are great for relieving stress and giving yourself permission to take a mental break from work responsibilities. You may also want to try incorporating creative activities into your breaks such as drawing, crafting, or creating digital art pieces. Not only is this an enjoyable way to spend your free time but it can also provide a sense of accomplishment when you complete projects outside of work hours.

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In addition to these ideas, make sure that whatever activity you choose doesn’t add extra pressure on yourself during your break period. Working from home means having more control over how we use our time so aim to make every moment count by doing things that energize and inspire you!

Incorporating Creative Activities Into Breaks

It’s important to incorporate creative activities into breaks while working from home. Painting, drawing, writing, photography and crafting are great ways to relax and refresh during a lunch break. Even fifteen minutes of creating art can help reset the mind and body for the rest of the day. With so many options available, it’s easy to find something that works best for any individual.

Painting is one way to get creative with limited supplies or time constraints. Working on canvas or paper with watercolors or acrylic paints allows an artist to express themselves in whichever way they wish. Drawing can be accomplished by sketching out ideas or doodling abstract shapes – both of which clear the head and provide a mental escape from reality for a short period of time.

Writing is another form of creativity that provides multiple benefits such as reducing stress levels and improving focus when returning back to work after break time has concluded. Photography offers opportunities to capture moments in life that will never again exist in quite the same way – resulting in unique images worth saving forever. Crafting enables people to use their hands creatively and often results in beautiful pieces made with care, patience and skillful technique.

Creative activities offer numerous avenues for relaxation during breaks at home while also providing lasting memories through artistic expression. It doesn’t take much effort to make room for fun experiences during working hours, leading to more fulfilling days ahead spent finding ways to unwind and recharge without feeling guilty about taking time off!

Finding Ways To Unwind And Recharge

Lunch breaks are a great opportunity to relax and recharge while working from home. Taking the time to unwind during lunch is essential for getting through the rest of your day with productivity and focus. There are several ways that you can destress, including taking a few minutes to meditate or do some light stretching. This helps clear your mind so you can remain focused on your tasks ahead.

Another way to use this break is by listening to calming music or finding a short podcast that resonates with you. Music has been known to reduce stress levels which in turn will positively affect how productive you are after lunch. Finding a few podcasts related to topics such as mindfulness or self-care can also provide insight into how best manage daily struggles and stay motivated on tough days.

Finally, it’s important not to forget about yourself when trying to stay productive throughout the day. Take this time away from work tasks and enjoy activities such as reading, writing, drawing or playing an instrument if possible – anything that gives you joy! Doing something that brings happiness into your life will make all the difference once returning back ‘on task’ after lunchtime ends. With these ideas in mind, establishing an afternoon routine should set you up for success until the end of the day arrives.

Establishing An Afternoon Routine

The sun is just starting to set and the birds are singing their lullaby, signaling that it is time for a break. Working from home can be demanding and it’s important to establish an afternoon routine in order to stay productive while also taking care of yourself. An effective way to make sure you are getting the most out of your lunch break is by dedicating some time each day to self-care activities as well as ensuring that you have enough downtime throughout the day.

First, take five minutes at the start of your lunch break to practice mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing or meditation. This will help clear your mind and reduce stress levels so you can bring a fresh perspective back into work mode afterwards. Second, if possible, get outside for some vitamin D and exercise; even going for a short walk around the block can give you some much needed energy and endorphins! Finally, before ending your break, make sure to review what tasks need completing for the rest of the day—this will help keep you organized and focused on reaching goals efficiently.

By establishing this simple yet mindful afternoon routine when working from home, not only will you be able to maximize productivity during your breaks but also take better care of yourself overall. Taking a few moments away from screens helps prevent burnout while giving our minds and bodies time they need to rejuvenate—so don’t forget to relax too!


It’s important to establish a good lunch break routine when working from home. Taking the time to unplug and recharge can help you stay productive throughout the day. According to research, taking regular breaks during the workday helps boost creativity by up to 50%, so it’s always worth finding some time for yourself each day.

I personally try to make sure I take at least one 15-minute break in the middle of my workday. During this time, I like to do something creative or relaxing such as listening to music or going for a short walk around my neighborhood. This helps me clear my head so that I’m ready and refreshed when I return back to work.

Overall, prioritizing self care is crucial while working from home since we all need breaks throughout our days. Make sure you’re setting boundaries between your personal and professional life and find ways to relax during your lunch break that best suit your needs!

Author: Robin Borg

Hi, I’m Robin. I have been working from home at least one day a week during all of my adult life. I have a background in research and data science. Get to know me better in the About page.

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